# real-cookie-banner

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

# 4.7.6 2024-04-23

Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.

# Maintenance

# 4.7.5 2024-04-20

# Bug Fixes

# 4.7.4 2024-04-19

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.

# Bug Fixes

# 4.7.3 2024-04-12

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment

# Bug Fixes