# real-thumbnail-generator

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

# 2.6.78 2024-04-09

Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager

# Bug Fixes
# Build Process

Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.

# Build Process
# Features

Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.

# Bug Fixes
# Build Process
# Features

Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.

# Bug Fixes

# 2.6.77 2024-03-22

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.

# Bug Fixes

# 2.6.75 2024-02-26

Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager

# Bug Fixes
# Refactoring

Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.

# Continuous Integration
# Performance
# Refactoring

Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.

# Performance
# Refactoring

Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.

# Performance

Purpose of dependency: Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable.

# Bug Fixes
# Performance
# Refactoring

Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.

# Performance